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Lecturer in Media Management, Sooreh University


The current paper tries to evaluate new media system and identify its functional roles in an ideal society. Considering radio stations, their effectiveness mostly rely on their interaction with the society and on marketing. Therefore, the researcher has tried to analyze the literature on media studies with a focus on radio to map its roles and analyze its functions in the following criteria:
1. Cultural Punctuation (the role of radio in cultural identification)
2. Social Computation (radio as an agent for public service efficacy)
3. Language Gardening (radio as a reference of language standardization)
 Promoting these three major roles will lead to the formation of a media culture, which by propagating will enhance the role of media in our lives. At macro level, the current study tries to trace how radio stations affect our social lives by introducing six major methods of effectiveness. At micro level, it is aimed at identifying operational goals by introducing 12 sub-roles for radio stations, which could be done by studying previous researches and carrying out field studies.


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