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1 Associate Professor of Social Sciences, University of Kashan

2 M.A. of Cultural Studies, University of Kashan


Mass Communication Media are information highways which roles in culture and identity have recently interested social science scholars. In this regard, different conceptual frameworks have been of offered.
Snowball communication is an idea that emphasizes the formation of identities through Mass media. On the contrary, some scholars emphasize information analysis. Still others emphasize a more balanced approach and point out the contradictory and dual role of mass media in both forming and eroding national identity. The purpose of the present article is to explore the level and content of TV programs, satellite channels, and internet sites on national identity of the citizens and their variables. The population of the study was the residents of Kashan, a traditional city that has recently begun movement toward modernity.
The study is a survey work in which data have been collected through questionnaires and interviews. A 10-item Likert- scale questionnaire provided data on the main variable. The cronbach’s alpha reliability was 0.84. Results indicated significant positive correlation between TV use and tendencies toward national identity (Tb= 0.252). However, the relationship was negative for the use of satellite channels and the internet (TC= -0.271 and -0.199). Chi-square analysis also confirmed the data. Regression analysis (β= 0.268 and -0.276) also reflects the positive effects of TV and the negative effects of Satellites on national identity.
